Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Moon Hill Corner

Sunday afternoon I took a break from LIDAR and returned to Moon Hill, which I have shown 10/27/2011 and 11/19/11.   Every time I go there, someone has done something ridiculous to the site.  This time it's these fire-blackened rocks piled on top of this propped boulder, and a fire ring directly behind.

The view from downhill.

This is one of the three sites of a corner on Moon Hill.  Looking at this boulder, I see a groove in the side of the stone below the fire-blackened rock.

Maybe it's from tools being worked. A couple of feet behind this boulder is a smaller one slowly being buried by the forest.  There's something suspicious about the edge.

I kick some of the dirt away, and find a nice symmetrical depression, which was probably a mortar. Note the  brightness at the edge of the depression.

This may have been a women's work site for food processing.
92 feet north and on top of the hill is this large boulder propped on bedrock.

And here is the top of this boulder.

There is a shallow depression in the center, and a deeper one on the edge.

I'm tall, but I can barely reach the center depression.  If this was used as a work table, maybe the users sat on top.  Moon Hill does  have a third propped boulder which forms a triangle with the other two.

 The large propped boulder is on top of the hill, with the above propped boulder directly downhill. The propped boulder  with the mortar is to the right near the cliff. I unknowingly painted this corner arrangement and posted it 11/19/11!

These hilltop work sites usually have very good, unobstructed views of the surroundings.This probably had some defensive purpose.


  1. In noting the power of cairns, Interviewee 6 added that [t]he thing about cairns is, if you knock them over or if people destroy them with malicious intent . . . somehow the spirit of the place or of this person who put it there could come back on you…” The Influence of Sacred Rock Cairns and Prayer Seats on Modern Klamath and Modoc Religion and World View – Patrick Haynal (2000)

  2. Yes absolutely right also absolutely nothing but respect around the rock pile absolutely respect it is sacred ground
