Thursday, December 1, 2011

Praying Indian Village Site

Somewhere in Massachusetts is a site that may have been one of the Praying Indian villages that John Eliot organized.  After over 300 years, all that is left of  the  Indian presence  is a few stone structures.  The most impressive site is marked by a boulder on an outcrop.
The boulder is not propped, but has a very small footprint.  Perhaps it was intended to rock.
Uphill from the outcrop stands a stack of flat stones.
Behind some young pines, I notice a strange boulder.  Part of the top half of the boulder has broken and shifted forward, creating two openings.  The shifted slab is visible in the middle of the photograph of the southwest-facing side of this structure.  There is a manitou in front of  the opening on this side.
Someone has placed a small manitou  below the junction between the slab and boulder.  Also, rocks have been jammed into the junction, presumably to stabilize the slab.
On the northwest-facing side, the shifted slab and a small opening are clearly visible.

Since this structure is surrounded by young pines, it is impossible to get a good photo of the entire structure.  Piecing together the photos, I came up with this drawing.

The shifted section at the upper left is wedged against the rest of the boulder with smaller stones.  Directly below this section is a large, roughly heart-shaped slab of stone leaning against a boulder.  The manitou is directly behind the propped rock in the foreground.
     Downhill and near the outcrop are a few low cairns.  One is topped with a manitou.
Here is the entire site on an early  spring day.

1 comment:

  1. Are your paintings for sale? They are very nice. You could certainly sell them at a NEARA meeting.
