Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pleiades Observation Site

About 60 feet north  of the two propped boulders  in the previous post (1/16/2013) is a large propped boulder with some striking marks.

On the other side (north face) is a small inverted triangle, about 6 inches across at its widest part. It looks like the sides of the triangle were made by working holes into the rock.
There are also  some small round holes, similar to those in the large slanted boulder at Miantonomi's Cave.  There are two larger ones to the left on the north face,

and about five smaller ones to the right in a line extending from top to bottom.

This boulder has been marked with stone tools, for some unknown reason.
     The inverted triangle may have symbolic meaning.  Since the right-side-up triangle at Miantonomi's Cave seems to point to a huge triangular boulder in the distance in front of the cave, the inverted one could point to something behind the boulder.  Here are two possibilities:
This propped boulder, which is about 50 feet away.
 Or, following the logic that the inverted triangle refers to a boulder shape, it could refer to this impressive boulder about 2300 feet away. There also are metal chisel marks on the bedrock beneath it.
The bearing of this boulder from the marked boulder is about 318 degrees, suggesting summer solstice sunset and Pleiades set.  Now the pattern of holes on the north face of the propped boulder makes sense, as a diagram of the Pleiades.
     Here is a sketch, since it is hard  to photograph details on a large, shaded boulder. The larger holes to the left correspond to two brighter stars. This constellation is portrayed nearly vertical, instead of horizontal, as on page 47  of  Manitou.  This may simply be the native understanding of the Pleiades.
The Pleiades were very important in Native mythology, and their rising and setting were used to time agricultural practices.  There may be other alignments with the moon and stars at this beautiful site. Perhaps these events were viewed rising and setting between the two boulders.

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