Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Follow the Pointer

In a wildlife refuge in northern Rhode Island is this  large outcrop with a projecting  slab.  It is hard to tell if  it was meant to point at anything, since the view is now blocked by trees.
I took a compass bearing,  137 degrees, and  then drew a line with this bearing on my topo map.  The next time I visited the refuge, I took the coordinates of prominent structures and plotted them on the map.  This one was right on the  line, about 1300 feet away.
It consists of an oblong  boulder about 8 feet long, propped at both ends,  and a large split boulder. This structure stands on a hill overlooking a brook and swampy area. The bearing of the boulder's  long axis is163 degrees. If it was meant to align to another structure, it is probably lost to development.
Underneath  the oblong boulder are some stones that might be donations.

  The pointer and this structure may be related to each other as fertility symbols, the pointer being male and the split boulder female.   Here is my imagining of the boulders on a late spring evening.

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